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Our founding father of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, the Late Sir Grand Chief Michael Somare has left a legacy of freedom and independence from colonialism and satan’s bondage towards a free and independent nation and country, representing the largest Melanesian country.
Our Great Grand Chief passed away on this date February 26th, 2021 and we are obliged to continue fulfill his dream of a prosperous and peaceful Melanesia
Through cooperation and supporting each other financially, we will finally arrive to our destiny: United, Free, and Peaceful Melanesia!
We believe that the very existence of Melanesian peoples in the past, present and future is build based upon stories. The stories that organically map the hotspots of events, objects, and subjects; related to earth elements or substances, plants, animals, spirits, landscapes, sky-scapes, waterscapes, weather, climates and human beings that systematically organize, sustain and nurture all communities of beings to function in harmony.
Based on the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ, handed down through our father and grandfather, the founder of the Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI), The Late Reverend Ki’marek Karoba Tawy, as spoken before his death to his son the Late Reverend Selion Karoba Tawy, S.Th., the Good News from Melanesia to Indonesia was launched in February 1st, 2023, by Rev. Selion Karoba before his passing on May 2nd, 2023.
We encourage Melanesian peoples and whoever out there, who love Melanesia and Melanesian peoples to sponsor the purchasing of one or more Melanesian-Specific Domain Name(s).
Our Causes
By : ispng
$0.00 donated of $40,000.00 goal
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Our Causes
By : ispng
$0.00 donated of $20,000.00 goal
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Our Causes
By : ispng
$0.00 donated of $30,000.00 goal
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Morbi semper tristique gravida. Morbi dolor turpis, congue eu nisl sed, tempus laoreet purus. Nam accumsan metus mi, vel dignissim felis accumsan quis. Ut vitae tempor lacus. Vivamus dapibus lectus ut ipsum vulputate, non rhoncus nisi blandit. Phasellus hendrerit pharetra dolor eget eleifend. Vivamus rhoncus sed velit quis interdum.
Mr. Jems Bond
Nunc faucibus, justo eu imperdiet commodo, ex mauris tincidunt lorem, id interdum quam eros commodo nisi. Nulla facilisi. Nunc fermentum, velit sed lacinia eleifend, turpis orci volutpat magna, eget suscipit lacus quam et metus. Donec semper arcu magna, et eleifend ex accumsan et. Nam eros nulla, luctus vitae vulputate eget, pretium porttitor libero. Donec sagittis dui a ligula eleifend, et convallis tortor lacinia. Nullam euismod vulputate nisl, eu dapibus sapien. Etiam lacus felis, tincidunt in turpis quis
Cancer Patient
But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection:
Praesent scelerisque, odio euferm ntum malesuada, nisi arcu vlutpat nisl, sit amet convallis nunc turpis eget eros.Praesent scelerisque, dio eu ferme ntum malesuada, nisi arcu volutpat nisl.
Cancer Patient
Location: Hall 1, Building A , Golden Street , Southafrica
Location: Hall 1, Building A , Golden Street , Southafrica
Location: Hall 1, Building A , Golden Street , Southafrica